Edinburgh yoga teacher louise burchell is in pigeon pose and is laughing

About Me

With over a decade working in mental health plus two 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training qualifications, I love combining my knowledge of mental and physical wellness to create yoga classes that soothe the soul.

I have two young children (age 7 and 3) and, as well as running a yoga business, I am in my final year of a Postgraduate Diploma in Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am currently on placement with a wonderful organisation called Birth & Beyond - you can find out more on my counselling page.

I truly love bringing together communities of women through teaching yoga, and would love to welcome you to my classes.


Diploma in Pluralistic Counselling & Psychotherapy (Grounded Learning) [in training]

200 hour Yoga Teacher Training (My Vinyasa Practice)

Baby-Carrying Supporter Course (Slingababy)

LGBT+ Competency (Queer Birth Club)

200 hour Perinatal Yoga Teacher Training (YogaBellies)

Advanced Pregnancy Wellness Practitioner (Burrell Education)

Biomechanics of Birth (Optimal Birth)

MA (hons) Psychology (University of Glasgow)

Baby Massage (Scottish School of Child and Baby Massage)

The Birth Trauma Training Programme (Make Birth Better)


I believe yoga should be accessible to everyone of any gender, race, sexual orientation, age, religion, culture, disability or socioeconomic status. I use an additive approach to language - you’ll see and hear me talk about pregnant women and people; mums, dads and parents; birthing parents and non-gestational parents; breastfeeding and chestfeeding. All are welcome here.

“Thank you for your teachings and for creating a safe environment for me to release all my fears and become stronger (physically and mentally) during my pregnancy. Your class changed my mindset towards pregnancy, birth and life after birth.”

~ Charlie ~

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